Contact Lenses
With contact lenses, we are able to make your social pursuits and sporting activities more enjoyable. Prescription contacts can provide vision correction without wearing your glasses.
Contact lenses are often different in prescription to your glasses prescription. Working with our Optometrists to select the correct lens and ensure it fits properly is an important first step. There are many convenient and healthy contact lens options, and new options routinely become available. During your annual eye exam, Dr. Jo or Dr. Jared will look at the internal and external health of your eyes, and determine the lens options that are currently available to best meet your vision needs.
During your contact lens fitting appointments, precise measurements of your eyes are taken, and trial lenses are used to achieve the best possible fit and to determine if you can comfortably wear contacts.
We offer personalized training with patients in the use and care of their contact lenses. A contact lens fitting takes more than a single visit. The follow-up visit will ensure the lenses continue to fit properly and remain comfortable after prolonged periods of wear.
Ordering Your Contact Lenses
Every contact lens product is unique and designed for a particular purpose. This includes everything from material, curvature, fit, oxygen permeability, deposit resistance, moisture content and lifespan. Your Optometrist has chosen your lens for specific reasons, which you can discuss during your appointment. Most lenses that we use come into the clinic promptly once ordered, usually within a week and sometimes more quickly. Prescriptions that are more complicated or have a higher astigmatism may take up to one month or longer.
Cosmetic Lenses
If you are planning to wear cosmetic contact lenses as part of your Halloween costume or just for the novelty, it’s important to know that these lenses are considered medical devices in Canada and it is illegal for companies to sell these without a license. Optometrists are trained in the fitting and dispensing of these products, just like any other contact lenses. Should you wish to explore this option, please speak with our Doctors, Dr. Jo and Dr. Jared